A Prophecy, A Prayer & A Praise

A prophecy, a prayer, and a praise.  Many times, God uses the physical realm as a prophetic model of what He plans to do in the spiritual realm.  This has recently happened at our church.

In Job, God instructed Job to pray for his friends as they made a sacrifice to God because they mis-spoke about God to Job.  In doing so, God doubly restored all Job’s losses.  Focusing on others is paramount to our own healing.

Praise God for the entirety of the Bible, the logos, which is the inspired word of God. But, the work of the Holy Spirit is to enlighten the RHEMA of the word to our hearts; the RHEMA are those words that make an UTTERANCE to our spirits, and have IMPLICATION to our lives, thereby building the faith that comes by hearing the word of God.


A Form of Godliness


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