A Form of Godliness

In the 17th Chapter of Judges is a very disturbing story of how a mother and son blended the teachings of God, which they knew from childhood from the Books of the Law written by Moses, with idolatry to suit themselves. On the one hand, the mother was thankful to God for the good fortune of the return of her stolen money (stolen by her own son!), but on the other hand, she used part of the money to create idols for her son’s house and the son used his own son as a fake priest, overseeing his fake idols…until he found a ‘real Levite priest’ who was willing to serve in the house of idols for money! Verse 6 was certainly true when it said that “every man did what was right in his own eyes.”

Yet, as ludicrous as this sounds, the Apostle Paul wrote in II Timothy 3:5, that in these treacherous last days, we would also see the exposure of men who oppose truth, men of a depraved mind, who rejected the faith and who had a form of godliness, but who would deny the very power of the one true God who could make the pure and holy.

We certainly do see this today, but thanks be to the one true living God, because in Verse 9 he assured us that “they will not make further progress; for their folly will be obvious to all.” Amen!


Do It All in the Name of Jesus


A Prophecy, A Prayer & A Praise