Pastor Debbie Haynes
Pastor Debbie Haynes has actively pastored alongside her late husband, Reverend Jim Haynes, since they married in 1974. They pastored together in Alameda, Tulare, Morgan Hill, and most recently at Calvary Temple Church in Campbell, CA. Pastor Jim Haynes went to be with His Lord and Savior on October, 31, 2019 and shortly thereafter, the church asked Pastor Debbie to fill the role of Senior Pastor.
Pastor Debbie is passionate about the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our church and is seeking God for an outpouring of His spirit by demonstration of miracles among the congregation. She loves offering praise and worship that magnifies God and brings people into His presence and teaching and preaching in her unique manner.
Pastor Debbie is a native of Campbell, CA. She and Pastor Jim have two sons, Doug and Don, who both love the Lord. Don serves as Assistant Pastor at Calvary Temple. They have eight grandchildren, whom they love.
Don Haynes
Don Haynes currently serves as Deacon, Treasurer, worship team member (guitar), and Assistant Pastor at Calvary Temple Church in Campbell, CA. The youngest son of Pastor Debbie Haynes and the late Reverend Jim Haynes, Don has attended Calvary Temple since childhood and has served as Deacon for nearly 15 years. Don is the husband of worship leader Audrie Haynes, and the father of two children, Claire and Evan.
Don is committed to the notion that the House of God is to be a place of holy reverence to the presence of the Holy Spirit and His moving, submission in worship, and teaching the sound doctrines of the Word of God.
Audrie Haynes
Audrie Haynes has had the honor of being a volunteer worship leader at Calvary Temple church for the past two decades. She approaches worship with a humble and sincere heart out of adoration for her Savior Jesus Christ.
She began attending Calvary Temple Church as a senior in high school and came to know the Lord via the ministry at Calvary Temple church. After committing her life to God she quickly began serving voluntarily in the areas of worship leading, worship choir, children's ministry, and managing special events.
Becky Routon
Sister Becky first came to Calvary Temple when we she was 15 years old. Except for a brief stint (22 years!), during which she and her husband Ken lived in Southern California, Calvary Temple in Campbell is the only church she has attended in the Bay Area. Coincidentally, the church she attended in Southern California was also called Calvary Temple!
Becky has been active in church for a long as she can remember. She sang in the choir, in 2 trios, taught a teen Sunday School class and has assisted in worship, either as lead or harmonies. Becky and Ken are the proud parents of 2 daughters, 1 son, 13 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Sister Becky also serves on the Board of Deacons at Calvary Temple, as is proudly the first Deaconess in the history of the Calvary Temple.