There is No Condemnation in Christ

Romans 8:1-2 tells us that there is no condemnation—no condemnation to eternity in hell, for those who are in Christ Jesus!  Because, if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior, we have the Spirit of Life in us, and He has set us free from the condemnation of sin and death through the blood of Jesus, which he shed at Calvary’s cross. 

But still, we sometimes wonder, have we done enough or believed enough to make the Heavenly Team?  Further in Romans 8 we learn that there is an absolute litmus test to find out!  We can know for sure which side we are on by our mindset—either we keep our mind on the righteous right side, or our mind stays on the selfish fleshly left side.  By knowing where our minds are set to, we can determine where we will spend eternity! 

We absolutely must know this, because in Mathew 25:31-34, and Verse 41, Jesus will determine where we spend eternity by our mindset. He will send the righteous sheep to the right, and the fleshly goats to the left.  Which side are you on?


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Are You Weary In Well Doing?