Happy Father’s Day

Although we don’t have a lot of insight from scripture about the relationship between Father God and Jesus the Son, before Jesus left his Father’s presence in heaven and came to earth as our Savior. 

But we do know that their exclusive relationship was based on love and trust.  Everything Jesus said, did and taught was from the perspective of the Father, and everything Jesus had, including those souls who would believe in Him, were given Him by the Father.  

Jesus teaches us in the Matthew 6 model of prayer to pray to OUR Father, Who Is in Heaven.  I’m so thankful that I have been given the identity of sonship and therefore, I can call him Father by virtue of believing in the Son.  Hebrews 11:6 teaches us that those who come to the Father must believe that He is, and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


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