Even the Thief on the Cross

In Isaiah 53:10-12, Isaiah the prophet wrote about the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ, 700 years before Jesus came to the earth! That tells us that the plan of God for a redeemer, God’s will, always was!

It was also God’s will that, even in death, it did not end the plan and will of God, because through resurrection, God’s will and testament, Jesus, would live on eternally. And Jesus gave us that promise, too.

That plan, the will and testament of God, was and is inclusive for all who believe that Jesus is the Son of God, God Himself, and that He came to save us from our sins. Even one of the two thieves who died on the cross with Jesus believed and was saved! He believed that Jesus was the Son of God, and he believed that he was a sinner and that Jesus could save him from his sins,

even though he deserved death. Jesus gave him such a glorious hope and promise that, today, that very day of what seemed to be the worst day of that man’s life, would end in Paradise with Jesus—eternally. Even the thief on the cross believed and was saved! And again, that same promise is given for us, today. Do you believe?


Before The Beginning


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