Deception in the Church

Deception in the church is something that we may not be as prepared for as we would like to think we are.

The Apostle Paul warned the church in Rome about this in Romans 16:17-20, advising Christians to avoid such people that would preach a different gospel than what they were taught.

Jesus warned in Matthew 7:15 that false prophets and teachers will come in sheep’s clothing, but inside they are ravenous wolves. Jesus assured us that we would recognize them by their fruits—and, to also be assured that good and bad fruit cannot come from the same tree. Either they are good and pure inside, or they are ravenous wolves, even if they speak in Jesus’ name!

This message includes a true, personal experience of how such a cult of ravenous wolves tried to infiltrate our church, just a few weeks ago. This is serious business and we must be diligent to know the Word of God so that we recognize their fruits of deception.


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