Centered in the True Vine
In Isaiah 5:7 the Bible says that the Lord planted himself a vineyard and he cared for it and tended it carefully and that the house of Israel, and the men of Judah, are his pleasant planting.
Again, using the symbol of the vineyard of the Lord, in the gospel of John 5, Jesus tells the disciples “I am the true vine and my father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that bears fruit he prunes; that it may bear more fruit.
Those who abide in the true vine, who is Jesus Christ, will be tended and cared for by the Father, the vinedresser, who will prune the true branches—those who center their lives in him, they will bear fruit that looks like the True Vine. Else, the branches that are not centered in the Vine, are removed and burned up.
It really pays to remain fully centered in the True Vine.