A Mother’s Womb

Happy Mother’s Day to all our wonderful moms, grandmothers, aunts, sisters and friends, and anyone else who has invested into the lives of others! Not all moms have biological children, but many are loved by those they serve as a mom would. Psalm 68:6 says that God sets the solitary, or lonely in families. What a wonderful provision!

The Apostle Paul was born into a very religious Jewish family. It wasn’t in their plan that God would choose their son to help convert stoic Jews to Christianity, but that was precisely what God’s plan for Paul’s life included. In fact, Galations 1:15 says that God had called Paul into his service from his mother’s womb.  

It is thought that Pauls’ family disinherited him when he became a Christian because there is no mention of them in scripture, but thankfully, God provided another mother for Paul.  The wife of Simon the Cyrene, who carried Jesus’ cross to Golgotha was that substitute mother for Paul. She cared for him, fed him, dressed his wounds when he was in need. When in Romans 16 Paul was greeting many friends in Christ, he referred to her as his mother! 

What a blessing it is that God finds a place for those who need a family, and finds a family for those who have a capacity to love others.


Be Ye Filled With The Spirit


The End of the Lord