Calvary Temple of Campbell Membership Guidelines
1. Purpose
Calvary Temple of Campbell (the “Church”) is an evangelistic ministry and we welcome all to come and be blessed by our Lord. However, participating as a voting member of the Church is a distinct privilege and great a responsibility. It is therefore necessary, for the proper and successful administration of the entire Church body, to define certain criteria for our voting members. This document contains abstracts of certain membership related statements from our Constitution and Bylaws, as well as additional details regarding our voting membership related criteria and standards.
2. Scope
This document applies to Church membership, voting privileges and membership roll maintenance, as defined by our Constitution and Bylaws and informed by Scripture.
3. General References
Calvary Temple Constitution Article 6 (Section 1 and Section II).
Calvary Temple Bylaws Article 5.
4. Definitions
Board: Current Board of Deacons of Calvary Temple of Campbell.
Active Membership List: A listing of those who have been received into the Church and are eligible to vote.
Active Member: Those who are a member of the Church and have active voting privileges.
Inactive Member: Those who are a member of the Church and are suspended from active voting for one or more reasons detailed herein.
5. Eligibility and Standards for Membership and Voting
5.1 General Eligibility (Constitution Article 6, Section I)
Membership in this Church shall be available to all those who give evidence of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (as outlined in Section 5 of the Bylaws), and who voluntarily subscribe to our Doctrinal Statement and agree to be governed by our Constitution and Bylaws.
5.2 Eligibility to Vote (Constitution Article 6, Section II)
All those who meet the Scriptural standards for membership and whose names appeared on the original membership roll of the Church at the time the Church was first organized together with those names which shall be added from time to time, shall constitute the legal voting membership of the Church, provided they are sixteen years of age or over, that they regularly attend and take part in the services, that they are living consistent Christian lives and are in agreement with our distinctive testimony and Doctrinal Statement (statement of faith).
Enrolled members who: (i) without good cause, absent themselves from the services of the Church for a period of three consecutive months, or from two or more consecutive annual or special business meetings; (ii) cease to contribute of their means to the support of the Church; (iii) become out of harmony with our teachings and ministries; (iv) are under charges for misconduct (all charges to be in writing, signed by the pastor and Board); and / or (v) have fallen under condemnation through sinful or worldly practices, shall not be eligible to vote. Such persons may be restored as members in good standing upon reconsideration and reinstatement by the Board.
5.3 Scriptural Standards (Bylaws Article 5, Section 1)
Evidence of a genuine experience in regeneration (the New Birth). John 3:1-13; 3:3-8; I Peter 1:18-25
Evidence of a consistent Christian life. Romans 6:4; Ephesians 4:17-32; 5:1-2, 15; I John 1:6-7
Full acceptance of our tenets of faith, as set forth in the Church’s Doctrinal Statement (statement of faith).
Willingness to contribute regularly to the support of the Church, according to each person’s ability.
6. Membership Acceptance, Maintenance, and Discipline/Revocation
6.1 Acceptance of New Members (Bylaws Article 5, Section 2a & 2b)
Persons desiring to become Active Members of the Church shall make the fact known to a Board Member or to the Pastor who shall examine the applicant according to the standard for membership.
The Pastor shall present the names of those who apply for membership with his or her recommendation to the Board, which shall act upon the Pastor’s recommendation and render a final decision. All persons who shall have met the membership requirements and have been approved by the Pastor and Board shall be received into the Church publicly at any of the regular services, and their names inscribed on the roster.
6.2 Discipline of Membership (Bylaws Article 5, Section 3)
Any member of the Church who shall willfully absent himself from the regular services for a period of three consecutive months, or from two or more consecutive annual or special business meetings, or who shall be charged with violation of membership standards, shall be temporarily suspended from Active Membership, pending investigation and final decision in their case.
Absence from regular services or consecutive annual or special business meetings shall be a determination reached by a majority vote of the Board Members present at a meeting of the Board, as there is no formal recording of church attendance, and /or whether any mitigating circumstances (i.e. prolonged illness) may apply.
Unscriptural conduct or doctrinal departure from the Church’s Doctrinal Statement and tenets of faith shall be considered sufficient grounds upon which any person may be disqualified as an Active Member. Matt. 18:15-18; Romans 16:17-18; I Cor. 5:11; Galatians 1:8-9; Titus 1:3-5.
Unscriptural conduct or doctrinal departure from the Church’s Doctrinal Statement and tenets of faith shall be a determination reached by a majority vote of the Board Members Board Members present at a meeting of the Board.
6.3 Separation from Church - Voluntary (By-Laws Article 5, Section 4)
Members in good standing, who may wish to sever their relationship with the Church or who may desire to be transferred to some other congregation, may request from the Secretary a letter of good standing, which shall be granted on the approval of the Pastor and Board. The Pastor and/or the Secretary of the Church may sign the letter.
6.4 Maintenance of the Membership Roll (Bylaws Article 5, Section 5)
The Pastor and Board shall be authorized to revise the membership roll of the Church annually.
Annual review of the membership roll shall be scheduled to allow time for the Secretary to make any proper notification(s), for the Board to review and the Church to receive new Active Members, and for the Secretary to revise the membership roll prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
The Board may remove from the list of Active Members all names of those who may have: (i) become deceased during the year; (ii) withdrawn from the fellowship; (iii) failed to maintain criteria for eligibility described herein; (iv) failed to comply with the standards described herein, and/or (v) been subject disciplinary action for one or more reasons described herein.
Removal of a member from the Active Membership List shall be a determination reached by a majority vote of the Board Members present at a meeting of the Board.
If a name is removed for cause, the Pastor and Board through the Secretary shall notify the one whose name is removed of the reason for such removal. If an appeal is made to the Board for reconsideration of such removal and reinstatement is not granted, the dismissed member may appeal to the congregation. The decision of the church by majority vote shall be considered final. Matt. 18:15-17; Romans 16:17,18; I Cor. 5:1-5; II Thess. 3:6.